The Sadie Kolves Blog

Do you believe that anything is possible?

If you do, you’re in the right spot. And if you don’t, you’re still in the right spot. Because I’ve been on both sides of that belief, and my blog is all about sharing the stories and messages that help us recognize that we are made for more.

Wherever you are in your life, you are welcome here! Relax, make yourself at home, and pick a story. I’ll see you inside!

The Power of Vision

The Power of Vision

If you keep running into pigeons, it means you are flying too low. You can tell where you are at in life based on who you keep meeting. Gossipy people, complaining people, unhappy people.

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Growth is Okay

Growth is Okay

Growth is one of those things that we also can sometimes miss, something that we live through that just blows right past us.

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Beast Mode ON

Beast Mode ON

Your mind is a powerful tool, you can either allow it to control you in a negative way or in a positive way. You have to decide how you want to use that.

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You Impact Lives

You Impact Lives

You tell yourself, hey I have a voice. I want to use it for good, I want to change lives. I want to help people believe in themselves. I want people to know that everything that they do is going to help someone else. 

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Stay True To Your Heart

Stay True To Your Heart

This last week I felt so much joy and peace, it brought me back down to what is truly important to me. I had been losing sleep over what someone said to me, really letting it get to me. Then I went on my trip, and it filled me with so much gratitude and joy. I needed that reminder, I needed to remember that a good friend doesn’t want you to feel terrible. Anyone in your life that is rooting for you will support you, and only want the best for you. I always want to be humble – no matter how far I go in this life. 

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You ARE Enough

You ARE Enough

We’re not total failures, it is called life – and things happen. It’s okay to not be there every second. It’s okay to take the moment for yourself. 

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Ready, Set, Go Consistency

Ready, Set, Go Consistency

Consistency is key to anything you do in life, but it’s often one of the most forgotten aspects of life. You have to become consistent. I want to see you make it to the top!

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