Sadie Kolves

On December 30, 2022
It's a Good Year to have a Good Year!

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January is a couple days away and I couldn’t be more excited! A refresh, a restart, a re gaining of motivation and new goals! It is time to stop the excuses, stop waiting, and get started NOW!

This is a perfect opportunity to start living the Life you keep putting off. If not NOW, then WHEN!?

Get your goals set, your plan in motion, and make this year the year you Succeed & Achieve.

Don’t look back on your life and wish you would of or that you started something too late, get your life on the right track NOW!

Don’t get in your own way of Living your Best Life.

What goals would you like to accomplish this year? What changes do you want to make for your health? What changes can you make to add more balance in? What financial habits can you create to be better at saving?

Create attainable goals with small actions everyday that will help you to succeed. Track your goals, whether it be a spreadsheet, sticker chart, handwritten check list etc, track yourself to keep accountable.

Allow screw ups and missed days to happen. We are human and are certainly not perfect, allow flexibility in your goals so that if you get off track a little, its easy to get back on and still have time to achieve it.

Figure out a way to make it fun and enjoyable. We typically don’t stick to things that don’t bring us some sort of joy or interest. Create a way to keep fun as well as hard work.

Reward yourself! Our brains love a reward system. Come up with some sort of reward you can set your focus on to help you succeed.

Take action this year and create the life you always dreamed of living!

It’s a Good Year to have a Good Year!

This is the beginning of anything you want!