The Tortoise and the Hare

Sadie Kolves

On November 5, 2021
We spend so much of our life racing towards our goals, our dream life, our finish line. 

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We’ve all heard the tale of the tortoise and the hare. 

The hare determined to beat the tortoise speeds through the race, only to boast he was so fast and decided to stop for a quick nap. The tortoise who was enjoying the race and the things life has to offer catches up to the tortoise. The tortoise ends up finishing the race first, leaving the hare dumbfounded. 

We spend so much of our life racing towards our goals, our dream life, our finish line. 

Sometimes we forget to enjoy the day today, and everything that comes with it. 

All of our goals are meaningless if we don’t take the time to enjoy everything that comes with it. The ups and downs, the small wins, the triumphs, the people who help lift us up. 

If we take more time to be like the tortoise who enjoys the journey, our lives will be so much fuller. The over-eager hare races through life, not taking time to stop and smell the flowers. 

What are your biggest goals? Have you been racing to achieve them? 

If we run through life we often feel empty, the small moments fill us up and give us reason to push through.

For me, I fill my cup by helping people and spending time with my family. If I don’t take the time to do the things that fill my cup, I feel run down and empty. 

You have to take the time to fill your cup. 

You have to enjoy the small moments, enjoy the things around you.