Sadie Kolves

On April 23, 2022
“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you.” – Anne Lamott

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“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…including you.” – Anne Lamott

Give yourself permission to unplug and regroup, without feeling guilty. You can’t be there for others if you don’t take care of yourself first.

“Rest is not idle, not wasteful. Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do for your body and soul.” – Erica Lague

We all charge our electronics so that they will work at 100% the next day. Isn’t it interesting how we don’t have this capability with our minds and bodies, but we expect them to get up each day and function at that same 100%.

When is the last time you took a moment to just pause? Do you feel guilty when you take time to relax? Do you feel like you have to earn it? Our society is built on going a million miles an hour and prioritizing everything, but rest and relaxation. We don’t expect our electronics to stay charged and working at 100% if we don’t plug them in, so why do we expect our bodies and minds to work regardless of the recharging time they have had. Our view and outlook become skewed when we are in burn out and exhaustion mode. We are more irritable and tend to be harder to please. We can’t stay present for special moments because we always feel we should be doing more or something else. We start to de-prioritize our health and taking care of ourselves. We can’t give our best because we are just barely making it through the day.

Don’t let your battery go to low power mode. Take time to prioritize mental, spiritual, and physical breaks to recharge. Put down the phone and allow yourself to truly pause and rest. This can be anything from ten mins of sitting in silence in nature, to booking a massage, taking a yoga class, a 20 min nap, a break to sit down and color, etc. Unplugging looks different for everyone. I challenge you this week to write down ways you can unplug and recharge, and schedule them into your week just like you would a work meeting. Don’t let yourself down by canceling and don’t push it off by prioritizing something else. You get one life, why walk through it with a low charge, when you could have a full battery of vibrancy for your life!