What Does Success Mean to You?

Sadie Kolves

On February 16, 2021
You can’t embrace your destiny as a successful person unless you first define what it means.

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If you could take a poll of one hundred people right now, how many would say they want to be successful?

You guessed it. Probably every one of them!

Now, what if you asked each of those people how they define success in specific terms. Only a small percentage would be able to tell you in concrete terms what success means to them.

Everyone wants to be successful, but almost no one takes the time to figure out what that means. You can’t embrace your destiny as a successful person unless you first define what it means.

My definition of success has changed over time. As a kid, it was going to school and coming home to cook dinner for my dad without being yelled at. As a teenager, it was making it through the day. As an early adult, it was raising my daughter.

But now, at this stage of my life, I define success by my mental happiness and the happiness of my family. Success also means financial freedom and crushing every single goal that I have.

It wasn’t always this way. There was a time when all I cared about was being the best mom I could be and paying the bills. But as my life changed, my idea of success changed along with it.

Now my idea of success includes growing my business, staying healthy, and helping my daughter find a good college.

I’m thrilled to be living a life that I couldn’t even have imagined only a few years ago.

Take a few minutes to figure out what success means for you. Write it down somewhere that you will see it often.

All done? Good!

Now that you’ve figured out your definition of success, you need to accept and believe that you deserve it. That’s hard for many people because they were raised to believe they would never be successful. It was the case for me.

If that is how you grew up, you have some work to do. It takes time and emotional energy to get past the negative thinking of the people who influenced you as a kid. But believe me, it’s worth it!

When I was younger, I would ask, “Why do I deserve success?” Now I ask the opposite question. “Why don’t I deserve success?”

God put us on this earth for a purpose, and it’s bigger than we can ever imagine. We all deserve success in every aspect of our lives. We all deserve to live a life of happiness.

It’s not only about us as individuals. We’re all here to help other people have better lives—not just our children but also our friends, neighbors, clients, customers, community, and ultimately, the world.

You must not only define success and then believe you deserve it. You must also take action.

If you want to make more money while sitting on the couch and watching Netflix all day, it’s probably not going to happen. If you want to lose weight while eating McDonald’s every day, it’s probably not going to happen.

I could give other examples, but you get the point. You have to take action toward those dreams. You deserve it, and you are worthy, but you still have to work for it.

What is a simple action step you can take toward success today?