What’s Luck Have to Do With It?

Sadie Kolves

On June 5, 2021
Do you ever look at someone successful and wonder how they did it? Was it luck?

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Do you ever look at someone successful and wondered how they did it?

Was it luck?

When I was a child I thought that successful people were just lucky. My dad always had told me that they were lucky, either they came from money or their parents had money. 

Now that I’m older and have gone through so many trials and tribulations of my own — there’s one thing I can tell you. A majority of those people did not get there with luck. 

Hard work, grit, determination, never giving up is how they got there.

 I get so frustrated when people say “Oh, you’re just lucky to be where you are today.” Umm, no let me tell you, luck had ZERO to do with where I am today. 

Most people who are successful are the people who had all of the odds against them. I know for me looking back, I had the odds against me. 

The one thing that my dad taught me was hard work. Whenever I’m at a low point, I think of what my dad taught me “Dust yourself off and get back up and try again – until you get it right”. That hard work ethic is the backbone of who I am. I have the will to succeed and the drive to get myself there, no luck required. 

Success comes from doing small activities over and over again. No one wakes up one day and is automatically successful. No one wakes up 100 pounds lighter. You have to put in the work, go the extra mile. You will never have success in your life if you think that 2 days of effort will result in life-changing results. 

Success is zero luck and lots of hard work. Commit to yourself, commit to your goals, go the extra mile and you will see the results.