What’s your WHY?

Sadie Kolves

On June 24, 2022
“Find your WHY and you’ll find your WAY.” – John C. Maxwell

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“Find your WHY and you’ll find your WAY.” – John C. Maxwell

Knowing your WHY is crucial for cultivating a more impactful life.

Knowing your WHY gives you motivation and purpose. Without knowing why you are driven to do the things you do, life would feel pretty meaningless and like you have no direction.

It helps decision making become easier. When you know your values and motivations, it makes decisions point in a direction of what’s best for you and your life.

When you know your WHY, even the toughest days become easier. When things get hard or you start to give up hope, reminding yourself why you started in the first place can help you get back on track.

Make it a point going into next week to ask yourselves your WHYS.

  • Why do you do what you do for a living?
  • Why do you have the lifestyle that you currently live?
  • Why are your goals what they are?
  • Why are you holding back from things you want to accomplish?
  • Why do you wake up every day and do the things that you do?

When you ask yourself your WHY, you may find that not everything has a why, or the answer is no longer fitting to your current beliefs. Use these answers to help reevaluate your purposes and motivations. Use them to help get back on a track that leads your life where you want it to go.