Where did I see God today?

Sadie Kolves

On October 21, 2022
Psalm 9:1 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

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A friend told me about a daily habit of hers that I really found to be so simple, yet so impactful.

She has a daily alarm that goes off at 8pm every night. The label reads “Where did I see/ feel God today?”

What an impactful way to end your day every day and think about the blessings and presence God provides in our lives.

This week I certainly saw God watch over my daughter when she was in a car accident. It seems that a lot of times we don’t go to him till we need him. What if every day you did a check in of what he did for you and how you felt him? 

Would we be more grateful? Would we change any habits or relationships that pull us away from feeling his presence? What if we checked in daily to see what we did that shows our faithfulness to him? 

Waiting to feel/hear him when you need him is a quick way to lose hope and faith in him. Sometimes his presence is easily felt and heard, like when my daughter came home safe that day. 

Sometimes when life turns south, we blame him for not being there and we blame him for not making his presence known. 

If we checked in daily and wrote down each day how we felt and saw him then we would have something to look back on in gratitude. And have something to be able to see just how much he’s in our life, whether we are turning to him in that moment or not.

I encourage you to add this do your daily habits. Set an alarm each night, and in the notes section of your phone write the date and your answer for that day. 

Some days it may be something simple like I felt his presence by being outside and feeling the wind blow and the sun on my face, thanking him for this world he created. Some days may have more deeper of an answer like feeling his presence on a decision you need help making. 

It’s easy to de prioritize time for him, this is a simple and quick way to prompt daily time to reflect in thankfulness.

Psalm 9:1

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
    I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.