You ARE Enough

Sadie Kolves

On July 30, 2021
We’re not total failures, it is called life - and things happen. It’s okay to not be there every second. It’s okay to take the moment for yourself. 

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Do you guys ever feel like you’re just not enough? No matter what you do, you just feel like you’ll never be enough?

I know I feel like that. A lot of people are on the outside looking in, and see all the amazing things that we have in life and assume that I feel like I’m enough. 

I worry some days, am I a good enough mom? A good enough wife? 

Sometimes you feel like you need to be everything for everybody. If you did that though, you would be stretched so thin. There wouldn’t be enough of yourself to give to everyone, much less be enough to make the difference you’re wanting to make. 

I’ve gone through a lot of self-talk and a lot of personal development to be okay with the fact that sometimes we need to take a minute. We need to take a minute to breathe, to regroup, and that’s okay. I’m not going to be everything for everyone, every second of the day. 

Taking that moment for myself doesn’t make me a bad friend, a bad business leader. As long as I’m there when they truly need me and I’m able to be a friend to them, that is what matters. We don’t have to be around 24/7, anticipating everyone’s needs. We just need to be there the few moments that they need someone. 

A lot of times I feel like I’m failing about my wife job, I have a seriously amazing husband. He is SO understanding and SO supportive. It took me a long time to find my best friend, and sometimes I feel like I take total advantage. I have to put myself in check sometimes, but you’re not alone if you feel like that. I try to make up for it in other areas when I can. 

We’re not total failures, it is called life – and things happen. 

It’s okay to not be there every second.

It’s okay to take the moment for yourself.