You are not Your Age

Sadie Kolves

On April 8, 2022
We are not defined by one single thing, Not your hair, age, dimples, name, or weight. You and you alone determine your self-worth.

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You are not your age,

Nor the size of clothes you wear,

You are not a weight,

Or the color of your hair.

You are not your name,

Or the dimples in your cheeks,

You are all the books you read,

And all the words you speak,

You are your croaky morning voice,

And the smiles you try to hide,

You’re the sweetness in your laughter,

And every tear you’ve cried.

You’re the songs you sing so loudly,

When you know you’re all alone,

You’re the places that you’ve been to,

And the one that you call home,

You’re the things that you believe in,

And the people that you love,

You’re the photos in your bedroom,

And the future you dream of,

You’re made of so much beauty,

But it seems that you forgot,

When you decided that you were defined,

By all the things you’re not. -e.h.

In a world of social media, it can be easy to lose sight of who we are. There are constant messages and pictures telling us that who we are isn’t enough.

A lot of times people look to social media or in a mirror to find out or judge who they are… the problem with both of these is that they only show the surface level side of things. But what it doesn’t show, is the real person beneath the outside layer.

If you were asked to describe yourself, what adjectives would you use? Would they only be about the outside layer, or would they describe a much deeper version? Your self-worth comes from way more than what you see in the mirror or a post on Instagram. There are so many more meaningful traits and qualities that make you who you are. The physical part people see is just the vessel that carries your soul, the real you, beneath.

Your self-worth is determined by YOU and YOU only. You get decide what type of person you want to be and what type of person you already are.

As you head into another day, I invite you the next time you pick up your phone to scroll, or the next time you look in the mirror to remember that there is so much more to you than meets the eye.

Who you are right now is ENOUGH.