You can go your own way

Sadie Kolves

On May 25, 2023
"Told you so, sincerely your intuition."

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“Go your own way,” a Fleetwood Mac song yes, but also a great piece of advice.

We grow up being shaped by our parents, teachers, grandparents, or any elder really. Then as we get older we are influenced by friends, family, social media, society, etc. There is constant sources of things influencing our thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and choices.

It can be easy to lose your own intuition and path in life. Letting outside sources influence who you truly are will steer you towards an undesirable path. When things feel off, it’s probbably because you have let something or someone influence your instincts.

Your intuition does not lie, it can be heavily confused with the outside world, but if you shut those things out and listen, you will know what it is telling you.

It’s okay to find value in others opinions and advice, and still decide to go against them and choose for yourself. You can hold space for others and respect their input, while still staying true to yourself and instincts. You are living YOUR life no one elses, so why adjust yours based on them?

“Intuition is an illuminating insight that arrives as a feeling, knowingness, idea, or experience that you simply receive.” – Intuition Revolution

Have you ever sat back and thought how did I get here? What wrong turn did I make? It’s possible somewhere along the way that your trajectory of choices got influenced and thrown off. Sit in silence, close your eyes, and really think about what feels right for you when evaluating situations or choices you are in. If something feels unsettling or not fully right……it’s probably because it isn’t right!!

“Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.” – Oprah Winfrey

Trust yourself enough to know what is right for you and when. Don’t let the weight of the outside world take away the superpower of your intuition and instincts.