You Impact Lives

Sadie Kolves

On August 20, 2021
You tell yourself, hey I have a voice. I want to use it for good, I want to change lives. I want to help people believe in themselves. I want people to know that everything that they do is going to help someone else. 

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Do you doubt yourself sometimes?

Do you lack some belief in yourself sometimes?

The answer for me is yes, I absolutely struggle with this sometimes. 

Does this even matter? Am I good enough? Will this make a difference? Is anyone hearing me? Am I making a difference? Am I helping? 

You tell yourself, hey I have a voice. I want to use it for good, I want to change lives. I want to help people believe in themselves. I want people to know that everything that they do is going to help someone else. 

When I have all of those doubts, I often wonder if I’m alone. I feel alone, but in all reality, I’m not. Just like whenever you are having your moments of doubt, I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. 

You matter, and you are changing lives.

I had a moment the other day where I was deep in doubting myself, I was wondering if everything I have done was worth it. If all of the blood, sweat, and tears I put in were worth it. 

Sometimes my biggest doubt is am I being heard? Am I making an impact? 

I got an answer loud and clear the other day — HELL YES I AM.

I’ve been heard, I’ve encouraged and I’ve helped change lives. I got that message and I sat down and ugly face cried. The messages that I am helping, and being heard, and changing lives are what makes it all worthwhile for me. I would do it all over again to keep changing lives. 

You impact lives every day, whether you know it or not.

Keep teaching.

Keep praying.

Keep speaking.

Keep coaching. 

Over a year ago I made it my goal to change one life a day. I knew I didn’t have the network to impact a thousand people at once. I did know that by the glory of God I could impact one person’s life a day. Do that, make that your goal, and I promise you that you are impacting this world and making a difference. 

Even on your worst days, you are being heard and you are changing lives. Never forget that.