Welcome To My Story

… And read how I found out that “Anything is Possible.”

Sadie talking on her cell phone

In 2008 I went through a separation, lost my home to for-closure, my car was repossessed and I lost my Dad at the age of 56. I moved to a small home in Belleville, IL with my then 2-year-old daughter. This was yet another setback. I had already come so far from my childhood. My Mom left me and my 3 siblings when I was 7. My Dad, who had Alports Syndrome and dialyzed 3 times a week, raised us. He wasn’t able to work so we lived on food stamps and welfare until he began receiving social security. We were very poor.

I was a single mom working at a Cancer Treatment Center. I made mediocre money. $35k a year was decent I thought. I left there after 10 years and took a job for another Hospital paying $44k a year. I was happy with the income but I was missing out on my daughter’s life.

I wanted that time and freedom everyone was talking about!

I met my husband in 2011 and we married in 2014. In 2015 I decided that I was going to do everything in my power to live a life worth living. I wanted to make my own schedule. I didn’t want those moody bosses telling me I couldn’t grab a cup of coffee, or acting excited about a 3% raise and 2 weeks of vacation a year.

I was done!

After committing to changing my life and taking control of my time in 2015, I left corporate America and went out on my own. I wanted time freedom, to make my own schedule, not be controlled by a clock, so I needed to let go of how the world defines work for you. I committed to me, my family, our brand, and what we wanted to stand for. Working for yourself takes time, sweat, lots tears, and grit, but having the freedom to raise and spend more time with my  family makes it worth every second. The commitment took over two years before I really started to see real success, but through consistent habits, daily routines, and never giving up it was worth it. I worked non-stop on networking, making a name for myself, and providing value to clients and customers.
Sadie Kolves and family on the beach
Sadie Kolves and daughters on the beach
During this time was important to not only develop my business but self-develop as well, so I completed my first marathon, my first body building competition, and grew a successful marketing business. “Anything is Possible” if you want it bad enough.  I have published two books, Anything is Possible by Sadie Kolves and Anything Is Possible the companion Journal and earn multiple 6 figure a year income. My husband is a retired Air Force veteran, my oldest daughter is a senior and preparing for college, and my youngest daughter is 11, and is loving the volleyball court. My family is what keeps me committed to freedom.

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